Catalyzing wildfire prevention and restoration that regenerates watershed resilience and reduces risks to communities.
We propagate locally-adapted native species to restore burned habitats, protect communities, and rehabilitate watershed health. This initiative supports native seed foraging and planting of native seedlings.
We are tackling root causes of the wildfire crisis by proactively reducing fuels and restoring natural low-intensity fires. The result is to regenerate the wild resilience of watersheds and reduce risks to habitats, communities, and first responders. This initiative supports mechanical fuels reduction and efforts to return “Good Fire” to the land (via prescribed and cultural burning).
We collaborate with experts in academia, industry, and indigenous communities to advance generational progress. This initiative supports cutting edge research in wildfire prevention and habitat regeneration, and is working to diversify the tree species utilized for cooperage.
01 Seed Foraging
A partnership with One Tree Planted, Silvaseed Company Foresters, and two California tribes to forage and scale supplies of locally-adapted native seed.
02 Fuels Reduction
A partnership with the Ojai Valley Fire Safe Council to orchestrate an urgently needed mechanical thinning project in Ventura & Santa Barbara Counties.
A Partnership with One Tree Planted to Reduce Fuels & Restore Fire-Resistant Native Grasslands at four park sites in the Santa Monica Mountains.
03 Tree Planting
A partnership with One Tree Planted to replant 5 watersheds with a recent history of catastrophic wildfire at six park sites across the Los Padres National Forest and Santa Monica Mountains.
04 Prescribed & Cultural Burning
Partnerships with two tribes, land management agencies, and county fire departments in northern and southern California.
Rewild Program Partners
“As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.”
— Robin Wall Kimmerer